Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Personification Of My Heart Lyrics

[#1] Ripped in two my heart cries out loud,
"why are you doing this to me?" "oh god, I'm sorry," is my only reply.
[#2] I scribble down your name on this blank page that is no longer waiting for my ink
[#3] I slip into sleep and awake finding your name crossed out,
Like it was never meant to be there in the first place
[#4] In my hand lies the pen, the weapon of choice
[#5] My pen is mightier than your heartbreaking voice
Now I'll write I love you down the same number of times you said it to me
[#6] Then I'll shove the hundreds of pages down your throat
So you can use them for the next fool
That comes around and thinks you're the world.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Sports Simile:
1. Soccer is like a BattleField.
2. Baseball is like book.
3. Tennis is like an Argument

Holiday Simile:
1. Thanksgiving is like a Buffet.
2. Christmas is like a store
3. 4th of July is like Fireworks

Pearson Simile:
1. My mother is like a Recipe Book.
2. My sister is like a Bird.
3. My uncle is like a Computer.